Data Science is a diverse field that is evolving at lightning speed. What we learned during our tertiary education may no longer be relevant today, hence why constant upskilling is crucial. In Singapore, there are many Continuing Education & Training (CET) providers who offer a wide range of both non-technical and technical courses for mid-career professionals to help them in their career growth.

Professionals who want to make a mark in the Data Science domain need a deep root understanding of Machine Learning (ML), programming, statistics and others. Organisations are always looking to hire candidates who can quickly solve technical problems and come up with end-to-end solutions. If you want to deepen your skills and seek industry-relevant knowledge, a Specialist Diploma in Data Science is just the thing for you.
Data scientists and data analysts are among the most sought after data job roles. Yet many professionals lack modern skills that employers look for in.
How a certification programme can help
Equip yourself with updated industry knowledge and skill sets to make yourself the best fit for an organisation and quickly move towards your career goals with your enhanced performance.
You may consider self-studying through the internet or books, but this learning process has its limitations. When signing up for a certification programme, you get the opportunity to receive guidance from experienced mentors through comprehensive training within a short period of time. Lessons go beyond the introduction to data science and focuses more on industry requirements. The course also expands on the best practices and lets participants work with emerging data science tools and technologies.
Data science is a multidisciplinary field that values hands-on skills over theoretical knowledge. If you want to break into the data science industry, you need a course that can provide you both.
Getting a data science certification can make a massive impact on your data science career. It ensures that you have mastered all the foundations of data science, tools and technologies, and skills that are key to modern-day business operations, such as math, statistics, programming, machine learning, data visualisation, and data-driven problem-solving.
The demand for data science skills is growing exponentially in the global market, while the supply of skills in data science professions has slowed down. This has resulted in job vacancies due to skill gaps. A Specialist Diploma training programme is curated to provide hands-on experience to participants and make them more confident in their work. Professionals with updated technical knowledge also see a better chance of promotions and a better salary package. Gain a good competitive advantage by signing up for a Specialist Diploma in Data Science today.